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DoseMe set to deliver precision dosing at eHealth QLD Expo

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When the doors open to Queensland’s largest digital health event in May, DoseMe – the world’s first precision dosing software platform for clinical practice – will be delivering everyone the right dose of precision medicine.

The expo brings together clinicians, healthcare professionals, IT experts, and vendors to focus on advancing healthcare through digital innovation, in a one day action-packed tradeshow and conference.

“eHealth Queensland Expo is a key event in the digital healthcare calendar and the focus around connecting the clinician, patient and technology is a natural fit for us.

“At the core of our business is pairing complex algorithms with a simple, app-based user interface to allow a clinician to quickly and accurately determine the right dose for each individual patient,” said Charles Cornish, CEO.

Headquartered in Brisbane, DoseMe is among the very few medical software vendors operating in Australia that have registered their products as ‘medical devices’ with the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

“As a proudly founded, owned and operated Queensland medical software company, the focus is collaboration to deliver clinicians safe dose individualisation decision support to help them make the best decisions for patient care and deliver better outcomes for Queenslanders.

Last year was a significant year for DoseMe, successfully taking home the community services award at the 2016 Queensland iAwards and most potential for global growth at Advance Queensland’s Innovation and Investment Summit. We look forward to continuing along this trajectory in our home state again this year,” said Cornish.

eHealth Queensland Expo 2017 is being held at the Royal International Convention Centre in Brisbane on Wednesday 17 May 2017. DoseMe will be conducting live demonstrations at booth #23.

About DoseMe

DoseMe is the first precision dosing software designed for clinicians that uses Bayesian dosing methods to predict the optimal dose of drugs monitored by Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. It is unique support software that leverages clinically validated pharmacokinetic drug models, patient characteristics, drug concentrations and genotype to guide dose optimization. It’s simplicity and portability means Bayesian dosing benefits can be brought to every bedside.

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